Rave Juice review – It’s all in the name


Rave Juice

As you can probably gather, Rave Juice has been designed with people who like to go out and have a good old jolly from time to time. It’s main components are  5-HTP (known for its Serotonin boosting properties) a healthy dose of vitamins and other good stuff like electrolytes and antioxidants.

I have long been an advocate of hangover and comedown cures like Berocca and Holland and Barrett’s 5-HTP. A friend introduced me to 5-HTP several years ago. It takes a while to get in to your system, so I like to take the pre-emptive strike approach. I usually start taking them a few days ahead of a festival, then during the event and for a few days afterwards. I find they help get rid of the post-party blues and have you quickly feeling back to your normal self.

The test

Twas the Thursday after Bestival when a six pack of Rave Juice arrived on my desk. I had managed to get through the first couple of days after the big event with a mix of sheer grit and determination. When I woke that morning however, I was experiencing a second wave, delayed-reaction comedown and felt tired, irritable and not at all bothered about anything.

A few hours later and I was at work flicking between Facebook and Twitter instead of doing anything productive, but even this didn’t raise my spirits as I couldn’t think of anything funny, witty or even vaguely interesting to say. What’s social networking when you don’t have it in you to be social?

So I cracked open a bottle of Rave Juice and downed the contents, 59ml to be precise, in one. By the time I’d forgotten about drinking it I noticed a sudden change in my energy levels and good feeling. My banter returned, and I before I knew it I was cracking jokes on Twitter and laughing with my colleagues. Suddenly I’d found the motivation to actually do some work, which I’d been seeking all morning.  It was a burst of enthusiasm and energy that’s usually only experienced after a quiet weekend and a few nights of good quality kip.


Unlike regular 5-HTP pills the effects of Rave Juice are very quick kicking in. This drink has a tangy texture, which reminded me a bit of Yakult or those Smoothies that help to refresh the palette if your mouth tastes a bit like a shit smuggler’s rucksack.

On the face of it $15.99 for a six pack does seem a tad pricey,  but then if you consider the cost of 5-HTP,  Berocca, a bottle of Lucozade (for the electrolytes) and a good multi-vitamin supplement, then there isn’t much difference, and this seems to be far more convenient and fast acting.

I can’t comment on what it is like to take on a hangover yet, but rest assured I’ll be stocking up on Rave Juice for the next pre-emptive strike on the dastardly unwanted morning after blues.